Sunday, August 3, 2008

21- Bomb Threat

One day like many usual working days, I got up early to go to the university. I came out and walked through the parking lot. That seemed weird because unlike every working day there were a few cars. Police had blocked all the streets next to the university. The more I was trying to figure out the cause, the less I could find a reasonable answer. I walked in the university and saw that the building was almost empty. The fact that something had happened was clear.

After some awhile I met one of the friends of mine and he asked why I came to the university. I said that I did not know that today is an off-day. He said that it was not an off-day and it’s because of a bomb threat. I thought it was rare but he added that it was happening two or three times a year.

After that day, I experienced two other ones that one of them happened afternoon. In fact the security emptied the building after lunch time because of a bomb threat call. We discussed about this and most of the friends believe that it’s because of canceling exams that some student have and they are Canadians for sure. The reason is that most of the students are studying a BSc degree. All of foreign students are studying master’s or doctorate or post-doctorate degrees and they are few students (almost 300 out of 6300 students) in courses and the type of the exams is not like BSc ones and almost the probability of doing this to cancel the exam is zero.

What do you think if something like this happens in one of the Iranian universities?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

20-Do sports, live a life


This is my first post in the year 2008.

In this post, I want to talk about the sportive activities that many of friends ask me frequently.

I don’t want to compare the sportive facilities of my university here in Canada (UQAC) and the university that I educated in B.Sc. degree (IUST) in Iran because everybody knows the story. Just in short, the programs and facilities here are unbelievable. The very interesting point is that they always have programs to use the facilities and for example in Iran, in our university after parqueting the sportive saloon the rules to have access to the least facilities became stricter.

Here I have started to exercise and follow things that I followed when I was a student in Iran. After graduation and serving military, I got employed in RAJA. In those times the more I tried to continue my sportive activities, the less I succeeded. The problem was not me; the problem was the life style. I don’t have any idea to solve this problem, actually I am not responsible for this and I am very happy that I don’t have such a problem now.

We usually go swimming, football and badminton. Here we have some arrangements by our sportive department and an association so called association of international students. We have free programs EVERY WEEK.

Mostly African students play football. We have other players too and it is very amazing that I now play with them. They have different style in playing football. The thing that I am sure about it is that they don’t have stamina as good as we have and this is the thing that we see even in our national teams. Today we played football and after 1 hour they lost their performance considerably. We played 2 hours and although I had so mush pain in my chest (because of the injury that I had from the previous week’s game) I was the most active player. Except one week that I got kicked and tumbled down at the beginning of the game, I have scored goals in all the matches. This evening I scored 3-4 goals that one of them was very beautiful. We are usually 4 teams but this time we were only two.

For badminton, usually girls show more interests. I started playing badminton when I passed sport 2 course at the university in Iran and after that I joined the badminton team of the university and it was one of the best experiences that I had. The coach was Mr. Maddahi who was the coach of the national team. He was extremely professional and in that short time I learnt much from him.

Considering swimming, we go the time we’d like and it has always been wonderful. Of course I have to add that I had some injuries and tensions because I was far from these activities for a long time but I like this pain. The previous week I spent 7-8 hours in hospital because of the pain that I had in my chest. Happily it was nothing but a muscular tension as somebody hit me with his elbow.

I hope that you find solutions for continuing your sportive activities and it’s you that have to pay attention. If you don’t exercise I strongly recommend doing that. The talk of one of my teachers in guidance school will be the wrap-up of this post. He said: when you are exercising, if even you have the most painful sadness of the world, you will be free of that when you get into the game. If you are living in Iran, you should take this serious.

Thanks for reading and good luck,
